The
Basel
Committee
on
Banking
Supervision
approved
a
disclosure
framework
for
banks’
exposure
to
crypto
that
must
be
implemented
by
the
start
of
as
the
world’s
central
banks
look
to
support
market
discipline
and
ensure
sufficient
information
is
available
to
evaluate
risks.
The
committee,
part
of
the
Bank
for
International
Settlements,
will
publish
details
later
this
month,
it
said
in
a
Wednesday
press
release.
It
is
the
primary
global
standard
setter
for
prudential
banks.
The
committee
finalized
the
framework,
which
comes
with
a
set
of
public
tables
and
templates
covering
banks’
crypto
asset
exposures,
after
reviewing
the
responses
to
a
consultation
initially
published
in
December
2022.
The
plans
require
banks
to
disclose
qualitative
information
on
their
crypto
activities
and
quantitative
information
on
their
exposure
to
crypto.
It
also
approved
a
set
of
targeted
revisions
to
the
crypto
asset
prudential
standard.
“These
revisions
aim
to
further
promote
a
consistent
understanding
of
the
standard,
particularly
regarding
the
criteria
for
stablecoins
to
receive
a
preferential
‘Group
1b’
regulatory
treatment,”
the
committee
said
in
the
release.
The
updated
version
will
be
published
later
this
month
and
must
also
be
implemented
by
the
start
of
2026.